

(Fátima Queiroz)


Closing the eyes, diving in the peace of the Cosmoses

Desconect the metal chains of the life that it is arrested to the Earth

Luciano Pera Houlmont left heading for the stars.


The ship-mother came to look for him, to the infinite to take him

In a color of lights and in I twirl him of the movement

It was Luciano Pera Houlmont good-bye.


Oceanic biologist, ufólogo, teacher, historian

His life was a lot of study, researches and work, now

Luciano Pera Houlmont left heading for the stars.


The friends suffer with the longing and the pain of the departure

In the silence of the space, that sadly sighs with

Luciano Pêra Houlmont good-bye.


In the hour of the good-bye, the friends cry and the Nature in weeping

spills rain tears on every sacred field, because

Luciano Pêra Houlmont left heading for the stars.


* 03/10/1948 + 07/05/2010




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