








Ivan Matvichuc       




I  remind with longing the our  beloved Tia Alice's old histories (Dinga for the more intimate), a nice lady with more eighty years, recently died, that liked to remind your past paratinense (who was born in Parintins Island) and of counting hilarious histories, happened in the paradisiacal island of Amazonas, famous for the annual presentation of the “Party of the (ox) Boi Bumbá”, in the eternal dispute of the consecrated dispute "Garantido" (red) and "Caprichoso" (blue) for a space in the heart of your fanatic fans and for your consecration in famous "Bumbódromo" (stadium for 35 thousand persons),  internationally known, as stage of one of the largest Brazilian folkloric parties, after the Carnival.   But we won't talk about the oxes dispute of Paríntins and yes on a stranger habit of the inhabitants of this gentle retreat in Amazonas. As Tia Dinga told, it persists at this island an old and unalterable secular tradition–“Paríntins is the earth of the nicknames”. Poor fellow of that, less informed, that when arriving to the island , he ends up acquiring, in a flash, a nickname, the times, not very flattering.  People count that a recently near man from Ceará, knowing about that history of nicknames, he locked himself home and, once in a while, he opened an opening of the window, it just threaded the head and quickly it picked up her. It was alone for seeing the movement of the street. That went enough to win a nickname, because whenever somebody sought him, they answered: - “Ah! you are seeking the “Land turtle”; he lives in that house of the corner there!” 

                        And the histories of the nicknames don't stop there.  

                        Other case belonged to a such Maria, that lived at a house, where well face to face there was a coconut tree foot. She was a lot  angry,  when they called her of “Maria of the Coconut tree!” . She, not conformed with her nickname, ordered to cut the tree. However the men left a piece of the log. Result: she became  known as "Maria of the Stub.”  

                      - Ah! That won't be like this, no”, Maria of the Stub thought and she ordered to pull the rest of the log. When they removed it, immense hole remained and now she turned “Maria of the Hole”, other nickname will owe constraining.  Furious with the cruel language of the people, she ordered to cover the hole, but of anything it advanced, therefore it inherited until your death, the indisposition nickname of... “Maria of the Closed Hole.”  

                       Because it is, Paríntins doesn't liberate anybody of nicknames, the tourists must to be cautious or, otherwise! ...

 (Story published in the Magazine "PODER GRISALHO" edited by CEVATI - Center of Valorization of Third Age, of  Săo Paulo, nr. 25, Year II, October of 2001, Page 35).


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