






                                                   ( story )                      João  Matvichuc


                 I like to hear " fisherman " histories, mainly when counted for my brother-in-law Carlito, the "Portuguese  of Cachoeirinha" (a village near of the city of Manaus), player and gunner, in the longing fifties, of National F.C., traditional  manauara team (from Manaus). 

                 They are the traditional histories, that are counted in falling of the lazy afternoons of the eternal and warm Amazon summer, where the people like to have a long chat, in the famous circles, always   watered with a lot of cold beer and where all try to convince, each other, of the truths, that are just counted in the bars of the life.  Carlito adores to count the history of a happened fishery there are many years in Rio Negro  rich river in fish waters. Him and some friends, of those of weekend, that they adore reunite " to fish ", or more precisely to be far away from your " face-half" (wifes), to drink peacefully and not to suffer any censorship species from them...  

                 So, in of these Amazon afternoons, when they were well near  

of the margin, pulling enormous fishnet, they were surprised by an unexpected visitor, an intruder that had not been invited to that fishing brotherhood - a monstrous alligator, that got if it disentangles of the fishnet, where it was arrested, and it ended up investing against the fishermen. Terrified, they released everything and " they ran away " in a precipitate run. - "Legs for what I want"   -  "Survives, who can! " - They already said the popular refrains. On that moment they were these the _self thoughts of the terrified fishermen.  Them in front and the bug behind.   

                 In given moment, they noticed that the reptile surpassed them in the race and of having pursued they turned pursuing, in other words, the inverse, alligator in front, fishermen behind.  Carlito stopped and it also stopped the other companions: 

- " Boy!  why is that are running of that way?   The alligator already   

    passed and it went away. Him is so terrified than us. We will return 

    and  leave the bug to disappear, in peace ". 

                 They are these, according to Carlito, "truthful histories", if it is that we can to call like this, when it is the famous and traditional " fisherman " histories.        

                 My brother-in-law, however, he takes oath that is true and I believe... 

                 And on that beautiful Amazon night, all ended up eating  

that fish roasted " fish " in the Municipal Market...  


(Story published in the Anthology " Talentos of the Largest Age " - 2003, of Litteris Editora, of Rio de Janeiro - pages 56 and 57).




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