








(Story)    Fátima Queiroz



                 Lady Carolzina, more known as "Lady Carol", (because she disliked her name, that test of the bad junction of the father's name Carlos, and of the mother Orolzina, giving Carolzina), she was a lady widow, 65 years old, very religious person and convict of the moral values. 

                           She had married very young with  Carlos, employee of the Mail Post Office, in a small city, inside Minas Gerais. Without children, they lived, one for the other, very happy, until the day of famous infarct, that fulminated her husband and it took him of this life. 

                           Widow three years ago, Lady Carol decided to move to Belo Horizonte, she settled in a small apartment in the center of the city and she led began a new life.  

                           As the shortage of the life grew day after day, she decided to do some work, that surrendered her some money.  So, she thought, she thought... until that she had the magnificent idea of making sweet confections and salty appetizers to sell. Yes, it's certainty, that this would give money!  So,  she did like this. 

                           In first place, she thought in the advertising of her job, ordering to print some pamphlets with the following sayings: 


                                                      " DELICACIES OF CAROL " 

                                          If you want to know the gods' pleasures, 

                                                                 call for: 

                                                          CAROL: 467-1732 


                           The pamphlets were distributed by the whole city and after some days they began to appear the more strangers phone calls, being more frequent in the night part, and they were always masculine voices with the most eccentric sentences as:  " My cat, do I hope soon to prove her delicacies ...miau...! Which the address, kitty?.. " or - "I want not to try the gods' pleasure, but hers delicacies under my sheets...! " - Other they were still moaning, seeming bugs and babbling intelligible things. 

                           Lady Carol, in her naive simplicity, didn't understand what happened, therefore when she answered that the delicacies were salt appetizers and homelike confections candies that she sold, the voices some times laughed making jokes, other times chided her with ugly and insulting words and they turned off the telephone in an abrupt manner. . 

                           The situation was really so unbearable, that she decided to run over Priest Olavo, of the parish that she frequented, that after a long chat cleared her the whole misunderstanding. 

                           Was is that?  I am very ashamed!  Her, a widow of age already advanced, honest and a respecting woman  of her Christian duties and stupidily confused with those " Girls of Programs "...! What absurd it is ..!  

                           But, with Priest's Olavo orientation, everything came back to the normal. Her first initiative was to change the number of the telephone, later to print new pamphlets with new sayings: 



If you want sweet candies and salt appetizers to your party

call for:

" CAROL CANDY - 468.1318


                           And now it is giving  right.  Nowadays, Lady Carol is a small confectioner's landlady and she is very happy with her business of candies and salt appetizers. The movement is growing so much, that is her being born the idea of opening a branch.   Who does know if Carol is getting on well with it too ? ... 


(Story published in the Literary  Anthology " In the Wings of the Imagination " - 2003 for the New Author's Editora House, of São Paulo - Pages 82 and 83).

( I dedicate this story to my friend Luci Marques, of Santos-SP, that  inspired  and she motivated me to write this beautiful story ).

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