

" Eucleia, the Camaleoa "

(a female chameleon)


Ivan Matvichuc  


very time that we approached this subject, they come the memory the eternal male chauvinist power, from the origins of the human existence, where the troglodytes " homo sapiens " imposed your viriles wills, giving strokes in the fragile and unhappy companions of caves. Hostile patriarchal society to the feminine world, that it crossed centuries of history, command or not commanding the opposite sex to your beautiful and egocentric pleasure. Stupid male chauvinist that confines and it subdues the women, in a humiliating unevenness, that imposes conditions and it disables your social ascension. Unhealthy adversity, that frustrate any feminine attempt of, at least, to join side to side with your companion of days and they struggle united in the battles of the life. 

                They change reciprocal of personal experiences, that complete and  solidify the love among two persons, with physical differences, but with the hearts absolutely same. A little willingly and humanism doesn't make badly none to the " duty " macho men, at least it would be an attempt of those pseudo "ones-stronger ", in breaking the currents  of the male chauvinist power, that chain them to a psico-genetic past and it transforms them in human creatures moved by their bestial instincts, that humiliate and blemish the woman inside of our society, of behavior inhuman and replete of  false moralisms.   

                 There is however exceptions, with the grace of God. Women that don't submit to those masculine and void impositions and fight to obtain a worthier place in this social pyramid. They try to do everything, to be stay always beside the companion, even if that forces them to learn new professions or they are recycled in other, to level with the men, always aiming at a loosened professional partnership, that it places them in the place that belongs them, for justice and right, in this male chauvinist  society. The reciprocal should be true, but it is very difficult the man to give her the passage, to go down of your pedestal and to recognize the feminine values, allowing her to join and struggle with him in equality of conditions. Salary unevenness, obstruction of leadership positions, sexual besiege and other atrocities that could be here infinitely enumerated, in a true thesis of accusation of professional attitudes not very nice of the men in relation to women.   

            They exist, however fantastic women as the one that I knew. Eucleia, this it was your name. A younger girl, beautiful, lady of a pair of sweet eyes, that reminded the profundities green emeraldes of the amazon jungle.         A small girl, affable, face framed by long hair black jet, reminding oriental dancers. Lady of a captivating smile, accentuating the red of the insinuating curves of the fleshy and sensual lips, always open in franc smile, of who is of well with the life.   

            Anything she affected. Alternates situations  they were them always outlined with the eyes of hope, in a brilliant future.   

            She met Adamastor, programmer in computation, young slim, deep undereye circles, fruit of your work, of long last nights in clearing in front of a computer. Fulminant passion, a fast courtship  and marriage, with invitations E-mail, consolidating the two such different people's love in your way of being. Him, the all connected time in the computer, in the eternal and vicious access of your " inseparable mouse ", in search of new " on-lines " in Internet of your sedentary existence. Her, a young girl, anxious for new emotions; she liked to leave, walk and to take advantage of the youth of the multiples flowery buttons of your existence intensely, not yet blossomed. The love united them in the site of the marriage.   

            Eucleia assumed with adult firmness your new condition of married woman, now with the objective of doing happy Adamastor. She began falling in love with the Computer science and she entered in a course, where the girl learned all the secrets of the computation and therefore, for satisfaction of Adamastor, she was leveled and did get to overcome the companion in the programming works. Long hours she passed in front of the computer, forgetting about the life. Eucleia was happy and it got to maintain  live and lit the fire of the Love.   

            One day however the happiness was interrupted with the death of Adamastor, it slays of anorexia, consequence of your obstinate passion and of your immoderate love for the Computer science.   

            Eucleia shed tears, but  she was not alone for a long time. Your tears evaporated when she met Jesualdo, young     and nice mechanic, workshop owner in Barra Funda, a little district in São Paulo. Honest, serious, worker, soon conquered the tearful widow, waking up a new passion in the youth. A new life objective. The challenge of who never sees in your life crankshaft rotating, agile connecting rods impelling motors and... pistons in your eternal sensual sway of work.   

            Finally everything that linked with the young man profession, that broke at the altar the blacks veils of your widowhood.   

            Again, she accepted the challenge of living the dreams of the husband. She became equal to him, the whole time passing at your workshop, it dirties of grease and it attempts in the new learning. Dedication that moves, allied to a fast mechanics course, where she became " expert " in motors, suspension, gearbox and mainly in the change of oil of the motor, that she left happy Jesualdo of the life, with your efficiency. Eucleia treated the customers well and soon it was known as " the best mechanical woman of Barra Funda" and all started to demand your efficient services. She learned how to drive every vehicle type, root automobile, truck, bus and even tractor. She met any stopped. As popular brazilian expression: It was " wood for every work " (pau para toda obra).   

            The happiness, unhappily, lasted a little. Jesualdo died it slays of the incompetence administrative, of the municipal organs that don't get to foresee the such famous inundations of the old city. Catastrophes that could be avoided. The mechanical youth died drowned in the " Hole of Ademar " (passage in unevenness under the "Vale of Anhangabau", in São Paulo, place where several vehicles were submerged during the last inundations). The governor from São Paulo Mr. Ademar de Barros was the author of this engineering work.   

            Our Jesualdo, inside of the own car and prisoner in the safety belt, it went it slays of your automobile passion, ending for " drowning " all your dreams of happiness, that he would have beside your youth wife, if he had not entered in that " cursed hole ".   

            Eucleia, again widow, went to regret your misfortunes and to spill your tears in a neighbor friend's shoulder, that consoled and she took her to frequent the evangelical church. Little by little, Eucleia was thrilling with Shepherd's Emanuel preaching, man of stocking age, high, elegant in your black suit and discreet Italian tie, that entered in your life and in your heart, through words that moved her until the tears. A new marriage appeared like this in your life. Emanuel convinced her to close the garage and to open in your place a new evangelical church.   

            Eucleia was devoted to the deep study of the Bible, becoming professor in the subject. She led the social service of the church and  organized the Choral Gospel, where she sang , with amazing and meloudiousness voice, as the incredible singers black American southerners, enchanting all, especially Emanuel, more and more impassioned by the youth  marries. The destiny, however, insisted on doing with that your black clouds, presaging  of storms passed fogging the couple's happiness. Of that time, the responsible was the religious fanaticism, that provoked the tragedy.   

            In an agitated night cult and in the peak of the religious preaching, Emanuel was thrilled so much, so much... so much... that fell flashed by a miocardium infarct, leaving perplexed your followers and one frightened widow, crying desperate for the tragic loss.   

            It is, life is really very complicated. This history could finish here, if it doesn't root the occurrence of a new auspicious fact in the life of our Eucleia. Everything happened very fast, during Emanuel's funeral. The difficulties of getting a worthy funeral for the misfortuned evangelical shepherd, it disrupted the poor widow's existence, that found aid and forces again from the youth Lourival, beautiful and elegant young man, that volunteered and placed himself to the hopeless youth's disposition. He gave her forces to continue struggling for the life and little by little he was insinuating  with matrimonial intentions. He taught her to close the doors of the Past, to smile...   and... they married!  


            - " Ah! I almost forgot about an important thing: the profession of Lourival  

     it was... agent mortuary ".  



(Anthology of the Association of Writers of Bragança Paulista from São Paulo-SP  -   Pages 45 to 48);  

(Collection of the Floral Games of Algarve, Silves, Portugal - Pages 75 to 78).


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