
João Matvichuc 

                   Tsuname is such a beautiful word, but of catastrophic meaning, tragedy synonym, modern name that practically substituted the old " seaquake ", as it is known in the Dicionário Aurélio. Its origin is reason academic discussions for, where persons are spoken much and little  is proven on tsuname appearance, where it begins, the cause of its formation and that sorts things out it could be avoided, if it is that some exists it sorts things out of detecting it, before its appearance and cause so big devastation. The seaquakes are occuring to prove its existence and that it is more and more alive, when destroying, without pity, nor mercy, material goods and to harvest precious human lives. 

                   Recently, we had an unlucky proof of its presence, when in subject of seconds it flooded several paradisiacal retreats of Asia, killing thousands of people, not saving rich, nor poor, in a stranger and fatidical equality of classes.  

                   A lot of discussion, a lot of foolishness leaving the pseudo-specialists' mouth in the subject, mainly of politicians that don't lose the opportunity of they talk about the subject and of governments, that are more tilted by the Hell, although they make speeches as if they were in the Paradise. Certain Brazilian president, that I prefer not to mention his name, he said that the personnel is finding the tsuname it should serve of alert so that we preserve the Nature, that is more stepmother than mother. Will it be? We don't know if the Nature has there to be some thing with these tsunames, it can be that yes, if we render more attention in the than it is happening in the polar caps, their fast thaw, what enlarges the waters of the rivers and of the seas. The one that we know is that the " bug man " continues destroying the Nature and spitting in his own plate that eats, when he pollutes and he contaminates the rivers, that disembogue in the oceans, he devastates forests, without pity, nor mercy, depriving us more and more of such necessary oxygen, that we breathed. His destruction hunger is insatiable, he pollutes the atmosphere with his deadly gauzes, on behalf of a macabre industrial pseudo-development, worthy of Planeta Earth's great imperialistic potencies and of certain excused interests of their governments.  

                   We always liked to know some thing on that subject and our doubts found a lot of answers in Teacher's Luciano Pêra Houlmont in the beautiful exhibition, sea and searching marine biologist tireless, that recently exposed at São Vicente's Geographical and Historical Institute (more known popularly as " House of the Baron "), where maps and a lot of pictures were taken through Satellite, showing and proving that São Vicente's old Villa, founded by Martim Afonso of Souza, in January of 1532, it was submerged in consequence of the small seaquake, weaker, that it preceded the " larger tsuname ", submerging the pillory, the house of the Council and the Head office of Our "Nossa Senhora da Conceição", behind the hill of Barbosas and not beside here, where it is the Beach of Gonzaguinha, as it divulges most of the historians. Before this new evidence, the Mark of the Foundation of our city is at wrong place. What was followed after this small seaquake, Pedro Colaço's recruiting and Jorge Mendes, that went paid to retreat of the bells was and of the pillory, whose bricklayer's work Jeronimo Fernandes that fixed the pillory again in the square was trusted.  

                   In the dawn of May 25, 1542 a gigantic meteor fell among the Island Porchat, in the Beach of Paranapuã and a piece of it opened a crater in the Hill of Prainha and that meteor beat in the water provoking the great first wave, that beat at the sea bed sinking it until about five meters, due to presence of cavities of old tunnels of lava emptiness, below the marine bed, that ended up provoking the second great wave, that went for the bottoms of the channel, opening a stall in Gonzaguinha and a minor, beside the hill of Barbosas. All the inhabitants died, less in the other half of the villa (behind referred hill). 

                   Continuing the report of the catastrophe, it can be observed through Teacher Luciano's pictures that Bachelor-master Cosme Fernandes' villa, with his stone tower and an island (Tumiarú) fortified with three towers and a patio surrounded by watch towers and towers (on the other side and in front of this populated), where Martim Afonso arrived in 1532, they sank and they were totally submerged  by  the  two  gigantic  waves.  All  these  facts  are  properly  proven  in  several exposed pictures in the Baron's House.  

                   Prof. Luciano's research thwarts all previously the historical researches done on the great tsuname vicentino of 1542 and practically he redrafts the history of our city.  

                   Still on the nobleman and Portuguese navigator Martim Afonso, in agreement with the historical documents, it was verified that after his arrival in 1532, that he went to the town bringing expressed orders of D. João III, king of Portugal, to exile again exiled Cosme Fernandes (the Bachelor) in Cananéia and this happened because Henrique Montes, he had gone to the Court to publish supposed conspiracy engendered by the Bachelor against Portugal, for envy and ambition. Martim Afonso, after having expelled him exiled of the lands vicentinas, he ordered the construction of a villa, with House of Council, church and pillory (behind the hill of Barbosas), because to occupy the Bachelor's town, an exiled, it was out of the question the king's. 

                   The seaquake sank the Island of Porto, the Bachelor's town, half of the island and it divided it in two: Sapomin and Araçanã and it razed "Porto das Naus", behind the fortified island. Concluding this analysis of Prof. Luciano's researches, we can summarize them in nine points, as it proceeds: 1. the presence of the island of Porto, never mentioned in other researches - 2. The foundations of the Bachelor's town - 3. The fortifications in the islands Araçanã and Sapomin - 4.  "Engenho do Leitão" in the Hill of Prainha - 5. The cannons and fortifications sunk close to the Waterspout (Biquinha) - 6. the detected presence by the pictures of the six caravels pirates' (pictures from satellite) in São Vicente's stall and three in the surroundings. - 7. crater of the meteor piece in the hill of Prainha - 8. Presence of fortifications in the hill of the beach of Itaquitanduva and 9. Crater of the meteor beside the beach of Paranapuã.  

                   The one that we find very strange is the no collaboration, on the part of the municipal authorities of our city, through patronages, that could make possible the necessary dives in the places mentioned above, mainly in São Vicente's stall and in São Vicente's surroundings, seeking the historical ransom of all the wealth, that its are in those caravels pirates submerged, therefore as it is in general of the public's knowledge, the pirates had as objective plunders goods in other embarkations and in villas, that they were invaded, with this purpose, and nor it is necessary to say that piled those wealth in the basements of their caravels, wealth that are there are 500 years almost submerged, to our wait. It is not understood the biologists' estrangement and divers that work for the University of São Paulo, that doesn't have the minimum it also interests of to deepen Prof. Luciano's researches and to help him in that historical ransom. Perhaps, some jealousy of their part, for not having participated in that archaeological discovered. Not even an university of our area demonstrated interest in collaborating with him, at first they demonstrated interest, later they gave up the project when discovering that would not be with the copyrights of those discovered, because those rights are already of ownership of our vicentino master, Teacher Luciano Houlmont. The one that we wanted except it is that he obtained the support of a company, that volunteered to do the first dives in São Vicente's stall, gratuitously, due to them, and the result of that was that a lot of pictures were taken inside of the water, proving that the caravels continue there and its are easily identified for the format of the cannons, that are built in a different way, in the countries from where they left these pirates: England, France, Holland, Spain, etc.  

                   We can conclude affirming that the worst tsuname of São Vicente's history was not occur in 1542, that it gave primacy to our city considered as " celula mater " of the Brazilian nation, first in everything even in the appearance of the terrible seaquakes, but the tsuname of our government's ignorance, that submerges any idea, any project, that it can increase our dear city, but that doesn't come to the encounter of their political projects, that can already bring some profit in their wealthy and fleshy pockets. No project avenges before the excuses interests  and the political breakdown of a nation.  

                   As Eduardo Souza said, in his beautiful chronic of January 7, 2005, published in Internet, mentioning Sófocles, in Antígona: " Of the catastrophes you don't formulate desires... it is not lawful to the humans to avoid misfortunes that the destiny  reserve to them "! and his  conclusion not very optimist: It is ", the such tsuname and that inclination of the axis of the Earth moved with a lot of people and they will still give what to speak. Until when, my God, will we be subject to Mother Nature's cares? Meanwhile, the business is to seek the highest branch or to order an ark, or even a vogue canoe. It's going the " Dilúvio II ". Make mine his words: 

 Soon, it's coming the Tsuname Vicentino II and that God protects us of this atrocity.  


Chronicle published in Guemanisse Publisher's and Events Limited -  Anthology  " Encontros "  - Rio de Janeiro - Pages 84 to 88,  in 2007.






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