


Ivan Matvichuc 



he gossip of brazilian people make public the fact that the oxes party of the Boi Bumbá in Paríntins (Amazonas) it is being a lot similar to the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, of merchandize tendency  and that is losing your folkloric roots, that link it to the cultural traditions of the indigenous people of the Amazonian. 

                   Every year, in the last three days of June, avid tourists of new emotions arrive to know our habits and the most sacred traditions better. Critics to the part, the important is that the means always justify the ends and the final result is always positive, if we consider the entrance of the blessed " green " notes, exchange value propulsory of our incorrectness economy.  

                  To speak of  "Boi Bumbá's Party", of the aphrodisiac Island of Paríntins is to speak also of that warlike people, that collaborates and it doesn't measure efforts to turn the party more and more beautiful. They are people involved in this arduous handiwork, where the creativity is made present, in an earth-barn of autodidactic plastic artists, where the gene of the art reigns since the primordial times of the generations miscegenated of your formation. They still sound in my longing ears the melodious touch of the drums and the sound song of the tunes sung by the singers playing and counting beautiful histories of the people of the Amazonian and my longing eyes and dazzled following the sensual movements of the beautiful ones cunhã-porangas (single young girls) in the shake of their continuous swingings, that numb the senses and they cause me a deep pleasure sensation.  I still remember the swing movement of "Boi Bumbá's head", tradition from Maranhão, that was welcomed and adopted with love in the heart of the Amazonas people. And the memories travel in the time until if they stop in the homages that the Parintins' people  renders your more famous sons. 

                  It is important to do this homage in life so that the honored is knowing himself  how he is loved and admired for his people Unhappily, for our grief, one of the largest collaborators of  "Boi Bumbá's Party", was never object of the deserved homages, of your dear "Boi Garantido". We are speaking about an  illustrious Parintins' person.  To speak of this man is the same thing to talk about his own birthplace, of his beloved Amazonas, of the poetry of forests, the torrential rivers, that compose the fluvial basin of the largest river of the planet   - THE AMAZONAS, the river-sea.  It is also to speak of his books, where the prose and the verse if they mix, to tell us  a thousand counted histories in the profundities of the jungle, of the legends and of the folklore of the riverine people, where he was a master. We are speaking about the poet and writer folklorist ANTÔNIO PACÍFICO SAUNIER, that already left us, leaving for the " top " walk,  final  path  of  all  of  us.   

- " Ah! Tonzinho, as I desired in knowing you personally, but the stepmother distance  impeded  my  wish  - Longing of you, cousin  TONZINHO SAUNIER,  longing!".


  ( Chronicle  published  in  the  Anthology  " Energia  Latente"  (Latent  Energy) 

     2002  of  the  Publisher  Arnaldo  Giraldo  of  São  Paulo - Pages  113 and 114).


Notices of the author: 
In the end of the month of July of 2004, the organizers of the presentation of the "Boi Garantido", in Bumbódromo of Parintins - Amazonas, rendered a deserved homage to our dear and longing Tonzinho Saunier. Finally, the writer, folklorist and poet was honored by the "Boi Garantido". I am happy in knowing that a square of Parintins also received his name. So, it is rescued like this his memory.   
Ivan Matvichuc



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