









(Theatrical text adapted by João Matvichuc and inspired in brazilian poet Catullo da Paixão Cearense,  with theater direction of Fátima Queiroz). 


         A bohemian dies and he arrives to the sky in a bus with a group of people, that come cheerful singing, because in the Earth (our World), the time is of June Party. As there is not anybody in the Entrance of the Sky (just an angel), they are going entering, dancing and singing.  In given moment, São Pedro surprises them and he furious gets the attention of all for that great racket. The bohemian, apologizes thousand. São Pedro  accepts the excuses and he leads off a confession, where the bohemian speaks about the woman's illustration, of their bad habits, finally of his bohemian life in the Earth. São Pedro discovers that the bohemian is the great regional poet Catullo da Paixão Cearense   and excited he  hugs him saying: - " Now you belong to the Academy of Letters of the Sky and you are a great immortal ". The poet also fraternize with Santo Onofre (his devotion saint, that is the saint protector of the "cachaceiros ( drunkers ), as São Pedro says). São Pedro receives a phone call from of God, to attend a meeting and he leaves. Santo Onofre takes advantage of to advise the all people that they go to the moon, because there in the Sky it is a place of constant and persistent flat thing, she don't go on a spree, it is not to make love and it is only adored. In the end, all leave in the bus, that is going to the moon, concluding with the song of Catullo da Paixão Cearense " Moonlight of the Interior " (Luar do Sertão). 

The show is all a poem-theatrical one intermixed with music, dance and a lot of humorism, interpreted for deficient visual of the Instituição Braille de Santos.  



- Theater of SESI - Santos, in June 22, 2005. 

- Union of the Employees in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries  of Santos and other litoral cities. in June 29, 2005.





(Photos Album with all the 40 photos)


Theater of SESI

P6225841 P6225843 P6225844 P6225846

- Union of the Employees in the Chemical and

Pharmaceutical Industries  of Santos and other litoral cities

P6296250 P6296251 P6296252 P6296253



Theater ofJosé de Anchieta

 - Parque Cultural da Vila  de São Vicente - 20.08.2005.

P8206995  P8207059 P8207099  P8207102





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