





of  Ivan Matvichuc   



                    It is an adapted theatrical piece of the famous brazilian writer Gracíliano Ramos' work literary " DRY LIVES.  The work portrays the miserable life of the nomad man Fabiano, that arrives to an apparently abandoned farm, where it reconstructs your life as herdsman, in the beginning, solitary, later community, as employee. Your wife Vitória and your two children, inheritance of the nomadic poverty and  "Baleia" (whale), a female dog loyalty symbol, imposing name of abundance, however of meagerness reality, friend and confidant in the sorrowful hours, abated by the shot of the cruelty of that infamous earth, where the fort subdues the weak. 

                    "Baleia" (whale) died for being a loyal female dog and friend. Perhaps your death has been a divine punishment for the cruelty of having eaten your "Louro" friend (a parrot), of long days, in a moment of cruel and insatiable hunger. 

                    They are characters of sprouted dry lives of the hardened soil, harmful herbs of a hostile society, that renounces and it impedes them of living with dignity. The greed and the freedom, the drink, the game, the fights, the " yellow " soldier's arbitrary prison, manipulated by the Government and the humiliation of the jail they are mere excuses to flee of that hostile society, that suffocates and it arrests the soul of the combatant brazilian Northeasterner. Conception of summarized life, on a side for the human instincts and of the other for a blind destiny and conformist.  

                    Sufferings and intimate torments are the tonic principal of the context, where you represent human, impassive due to the reality, they are subdued for the  disenchant and indifference with that look at the humanity. It appears, in the end, a light remainder, a hope, a true profession of faith in the tomorrow, in the liberation that will come with the divine rain, sprouting life in the soil hardened with the turn of the drought, of the abandonment, of the drought and of the turn of the eternal pilgrimage of the one that seek free of the poverty. Perhaps, walking with safe steps for a new reality in the South of the country, where they can render a dream, a hope of new life, with a lot of faith in the tomorrow. 


(Copyrights of the adaptation registered in the Foundation  National Library of Rio de Janeiro in 21.09.2000, as  Register number 211.738, Book 368, Leaf 398, on behalf of Ivan Matvichuc. 



Note of Author-adapter:


         In October of 2002 we had the proof that nor all the dreams are distant and impossible of they be accomplished. A man from Pernambuco, of very poor origin, emigrated for São Paulo in search of a better life and with more dignity. He joined to the thousands of northeastern brazilian nomad men (retirantes), that for here they come to accomplish those distant dreams and he got, after a 20 year-old fight, with several frustrated attempts, to accomplish your great dream:  TO BECOME PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL! 

         Congratulations, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva - our first president northeastern emigrant.


E-mail for contacts with the author-adapter: ivanfat@ig.com.br  or  ivanfat@itelefonica.com.br    

Places where the piece was presented: municipal theaters of Santos, Guarujá and Cubatão (Cia T. of Theater of Santos - Vestibular examinations for 2000 and 2001) for secondary students of schools of Santos and other cities of our litoral.



Actors in Scene:  Marco Antônio and Suênia





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