






Fátima Queiroz


In the muddy waters canoes float

Curumins shouting, clamouring  poverty.

In the margins gloomy, stopped herons

They spatter  of white the Nature.


They cover their heads under the wings

In only one leg equilibrating

Inert they hear the forest that for itself speech,

Sounds and magic that the forest exhales.

 And the world of the waters makes your dance,

In the treacherous circles of the whirlpools and calmness.

And the canoes insist winning the current,

Tearing the waters in your gesture tame..


Ah, River-Sea!

Of legends, deaths, cruel battles,

Done epics, conquers and glory,

Of Orelanas, Muirakitãs,


Oh Amazonas!

Always eternal in my memory

For you keep my history.


                            (Fourth Poetic Anthology Vargas Netto - 2000  Cultural Center of São Borja–RS, Page 38)  

Note: curumim  =   indian child         

Muirakitãs = indian amulet (luck)

Orelana   =   spanish exploiter, that discovered the Amazonas'river.

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