






Fátima Queiroz


Oh! God of the Truth!

Unhappy of the man that everything knows

And in his thoughts he vanishes

Arrested in your love absence

He denies to know and to love his Creator.    


Oh! God of the Truth!

Unhappy man that forgot You

And in the abysses of the addiction he got lost

And in the despair nor he remembers to call You

For his bitter tears to dry.          

Oh! God of the Truth!

Unhappy bad and unscrupulous man 

That with soft words and deceiving way

He follows persuading incautious innocent 

Transforming them in demented herds.


Oh! God of the Truth!

Unhappy all men that, in his vileness

He attributes to himself that is Your and as a blindman 

               Without seeing the true Road, he only shimmers the unhappy Ego.


Oh! God of the Truth! Grace for Your Love!

Oh! God of the Truth! Grace for everything that I am!

(Anthology " Letters of the New Millennium " Publishing Cultural Taba Ltda - RJ, page 52)

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