







Fátima Queiroz            


When child looking at the sky 

Through shining of the candescent star 

I crossed the fingers asking for a present 

And anxious I awaited the trophy. 


The request was with faith and hope

A doll or a little clown

Memories that I keep with love

Of dreams and child's fantasies.


One day, I asked for a charmed prince 

Then you appeared for presented God 

Lighting up the night I lived. 


Today you are the light of my life to shine 

You are the scintillant pharos of my sea 

Finally... you are my Star - Guide. 



(Poetry published in the Coletânea " Night and Poetry of Tatuí " 

Associação de Ensino Tatuíense - Tatuí-SP - 2002 - Page 44)


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