






Ivan Matvichuc



Creature alive, of a grace that enchants

Of a courage that motivates 

That always joins in the fight

For the life and in the conquest of the hope.



She lives together and she faces with fearless

The daily ones and the troubles

Tumults that don't destroy

The indestructible entail of our love.



Companion of long itineraries  

 In the lost highways of the Beyond

She doesn't dismay and it maintains alive

The longings of eternal dreams.



I always thank the Creator

When I wake up and I see her smile

When I fall asleep, she looks for me.

Mother, marries and companion

Hardened link of the current of my future.



Without her, it is not to live

                                     Without her, it is not to struggle   

                                        Without her, it is life project

                                          That will never take place


                                            (to my wife Fátima Queiroz)


 1. (Anthology of the Poet's House Santanense  - Santana do Livramento   Rio Grande do Sul – Page 51.


 2. (Anthology " Marks of the Time – Descalvado – São Paulo  Pages 87, 88 and 89.


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