







Fátima Queiroz


It remained of everything the anything

Of the tenderness, of the magic

Pranks of the childhood

Only residues.


It was the party taste

of Christmas feast

Your cry. My fear

Almost anything.


It remained only the dust

It is hazy images

Of old pictures

corroded, discolored.


Almost nothing remained

Of the children's agitation

Of the master's ferule

Hiccup rests.


It remained a longing veil

Torn in the time

Flying among images

That little by little got lost.


It was anything, almost anything

Just remains rests, crumbs

Of laughters, of the big house

Carnivals and nothing else.


Of the nothing remained a little

My father's silence

My mother's glance

The whisper of a song.


It remained soft perfume

It remained the dust of the time

Finally, of everything, of the anything

It remained a little of me.


(Published in the Italian " Magazine IL CONVIVIO " nr. 1

 March of 2003 - Page 45 - in Portuguese and in Italian)




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