










Fátima Queiroz


The house, the ranch, the cage, the singing of the little bird

The father, the mother, they look at the son with love and with caress

The father cultivating the earth, the mother always knitting

The son observes the world, he is going growing and he is going thinking.


One day the son leaves, he will study, to turn doctor

The father and the mother kiss the son and they waved a love good-bye

The father in the work of the earth, the mother always knitting

The son proceeds in the world, with illusions, that causing grief.


Months pass, years pass and the time is going passing

The father and the mother already old-aged, her always knitting

They await the son's turn, but he never again returned

He died sad in the prison, far away than so much loved.


The father and the mother continue the life, awaiting the death

The son not more  exists, this was your luck

The father in the eternal earth-work and the mother always knitting

And the son's return they continue waiting.


In one night they saw the son in a beautiful car to arrive

" Father!  Mother! I came to look for you! All we will travel "!

And in that trip eternal, happy they follow the long road

It remained the house, the ranch, the cage ...except the singing of the little bird.



(Published in the Collection " Poetries of Spring " - 2002

House of the Livro Editora Rio-pretense São José do Rio Preto - SP - Page 63)


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