









Visão Aeria de São Vicente



Fátima Queiroz


Beach of Itararé, Island Porchat, Gonzaguinha

Traditional Suspension Bridge and the historical Waterspout (Biquinha)


Beach Paranapuan, legend of Ipupiara

Sea dragon that to the Indian and colonist had scared.


They are some of the beauties of such dear earth

Already described by Anchieta and for God blessed.


There is January twenty-two, morning of the Fiveth century Era

Martin Afonso disembark, in such beloved earth.


And this charmed island, of conquests and dreams thousand

For El-King it was proclaimed: first villa of Brazil.


Where João Ramalho nailed root and he was stayed

It was the starting point, where the History began.


It is today the small villa, that had a total progress

It turned a beautiful city in our coast.


Modern, with beautiful beaches, avenues, a lot of people

It has saint's name even and it calls : "SÃO VICENTE".


(Winning poetry with the third place in the literary contest of

São Vicente's Historical and Geographical Institute (House of the Baron)

- March of 2003 -

 Praia do Gonzaguinha - São Vicente

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