












Maria de Fátima Queiroz Pinho Matvichuc

(Fátima Queiroz)


In the corner of the old street

Of a time of histories

There it is him under the moonshine

Ghost of a nude and raw reality

Silent  guardian of dreams and memoirs.


Their windows, enormous eyes, peep with sadness

Traveling the whole extension of the square

The search of a past of greatness

That the time consumed, remaining the feeling and the nobility

In it eternalized as glory inheritance and grace.


Construction imposing, secular

Front stairwell, all in marble of Carrara

Gates of iron with bells gilded to sparkle and to tinkle

When open,  they let the life to pass and to roll

And the perfume of the gardens there had been impregnated and it had been.


Along the corridor sounds of chords were been heard

The pictures in the wall had life and movement

And their glances always attentive they followed us

Ladies and gentlemen smiled us

Changing the expressions to every moment.



In the silence of the rugs, in the soft to walk

Love words sprouted in the melody of a song

Cheerful laughters, sounds of silk dresses to rustle

The music grew and it began dispersing

For the old big house with his magic and charm.


In the great living room, with walls of cultivated leather

A grand piano already quiet, it spied

The armchairs of red velvet, high back rest and gilded friezes

And the flowers in the lush vases and an all illuminated chandelier

                            It was a time, in that the man still dreamed and he loved.


Time that wore away and sadly it passed

Today the old big house almost in ruins, discolored

His rusty gates, quiet bells, the dream ended

Of him almost nothing remained, the longing was only

The bush invaded the gardens, the balcony, everything dead, ruined.


But, you will be well protected, in the walls of my mind

Hugged to my soul, inside of my heart

I won't never forget you, you will always be present

I will keep your image a lifetime, eternally

My such dear lover, I bless you, my heroic and Old Big house!


( I dedicate this poetry for the all the generations of the Família Queiroz, that lived through the times and they rescued their  history in old Paríntins – AM ).


( Poetry published in the Coletânea " Letras no Brazil VI - 2004"  for Publishing Taba Cultural - Rio de Janeiro - Pages 60 and 61 ).


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