








Fátima Queiroz


I hear

Your voice, soft crystalline

That it touch me, wraps and  elevates  to the sky

And I let to involve me in this soft veil

Textured in mysteries and girl's innocence.


I see

Shining dazzling of your eyes

Illuminating the nights of my way

As rain of stars of tenderness and affection

That dive and they get lost in my eyes.


I feel

Your skin, your pink body in button

Opening up in the delivery of the love and of the passion

And your lips suffocating my desires.


The heart accelerates and it beats out of compasses

Echoes of the transcendent unconscious, surpassed

I tremble... and I get lost in the madness of your kisses.


(Poetry published in the third Literary Anthology of the Academy Dorense of Letras,  Boa Esperança, Minas Gerais - page 39)


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