






Fátima Queiroz


When you went away I was so sad

That my sadness turned torment

I regret the longing that still persists

Wounded soul of suffering.


When you went away I hugged the mourning

And the blackness of the solitude

Inside of me a rude emptiness

The pain of a weeping without echo, in vain.


When you went away, the bitterness

It settled in my heart

It remained the pain, crucial torture

And nothing else. Only night and darkness.


Oh! I suffer yes, but I suffer with the certainty

That in a future, in another reality

When He orders the fatal feat

Together we will be in the eternity!


                                            (Anthology " Reverberations " Publisher Arnaldo Giraldo–SP - Page 28)

(Published in the magazine " Momento do Poeta " number 13 - December of 2002 - for the Secretary of Culture and Education of São Vicente - SP)


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