






Fátima Queiroz


When the heart beats with the arrhythmia of the sorrow

And whole person suffers, he riots, he screams and  struggles.

And the love absence of the world afflicts my soul

I look at the sky!


If the waste of living, the abandonment and the poverty

The uncertainty of the future

Everything takes me to the sadness.

I look at the sky!


When the fear and the solitude

Ghosts of my history

Laughing, they peep in the darkness

I look at the sky!


And I see the clouds smiling

The radiant sun, the wind buzzing

The Nature greeting me

And me encouraging

And happy I look at the sky!


It is suddenly a strange force

It grows in me and I feel peace

It makes to feel happy and it fills me with courage

That still  I have the life

That I am still capable

Of looking for the sky...


(Anthology " 500 Autumns " Publisher Arnaldo Giraldo - São Paulo  - Page 20)

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