







Maria of Fátima Queiroz Pinho Matvichuc

             (Fátima Queiroz)


                   Until today, we didn't understand the Brazilian politics, because it is so full of  paradoxes and Dantean absurds, that it is inconceivable of understanding.   We cannot deny meantime, his humorous side, that disperses for the immensity of our lands.   Finally... that is Brazil! 

                   In that hot sixth fair, the Villa of Guaribas, small lost municipal district and forgotten inside Amazonas, it was in party climate, because soon more the night, Colonel Marciliano Nunes's last assembly, candidate would happen to Mayor of the city. 

                   The Colonel, awaited very nervous the hour of the assembly and he had already ingested two doses of the medicine for his nervous gastritis. Is is only his bad habit:  medicine for the stomach.  He always walked with a glass of Estomatec in the pocket and three to four times a day it ingested a dose of the same. 

                   In the barber's shop of Ataliba, the subject as always, was Political. It seemed unanimous Colonel Marciliano Nunes's victory, because candidate of the opposition, his opponent, the doctor surgeon, Dr. Firmino Nery, that during the electoral campaign, he had made, gratuitously, great apendecectomias number, in their voters, and he was losing for great difference, second the last research. It is now, in the moment, it would be very difficult to turn the game. But, in Politics, as in the Soccer, everything is possible.  And Deodato investigated: - 

- So,  Ataliba, we have assembly " then today?  Will it be where? " 

      Ataliba, as always, answered with that reflexive negative, his mark  


- " I don't know... but it will have to have ". 

- " But, how you don't know, man? After all you is the future son-in-law of the   

       Coroné ", candidate to Mayor?     

- " I don't know... just courtship with his daughter and... I intend to marry ".      

                   That was true, Ataliba dated with Aurineide, the colonel's daughter, there is more than one year and so much. The mother, Mimosa Lady, as the father Colonel Marciliano Nunes, they made a lot of pleasure in the courtship. And Ataliba dreamed to unite the useful to the pleasant.  Who knows, after elect the colonel would not give him a political position   important?  He always wanted to occupy a prominence position. Suddenly, it was heard the strident sound of a marchinha (music).   It was the car with the speaker announcing the so awaited assembly:    


" Marciliano Nunes,

In this electoral conflict

It is it already expired, and it already expired

The great battle

Of the municipal election.


                   At night, the square was full and all waived with flags singing the contagious and lively marchinha. Suddenly, it was made silence for Colonel Marciliano Nunes's speech:  - " People of my earth!  This is the onzézima "(eleven time) time that I arise in this stand, to transport my words, of this pole for your such vast hemisphere... " AND the colonel was draining your eloquent verborragy for endless minutes, surpassing one hour. Finally, after so brillant and excited speech, he was acclaimed and loaded in victory for the people. As it was of waiting, he won the elections. And he began his administration placing her daughter Aurineide in secretary's position - treasurer of the City hall, Mimosa Lady her wife, was in the leadership of the Social Service and Ataliba, as boss of the Specialist Section " in Health ", that in fact, it didn't leave him very happy and when he was congratulated by the friend Venâncio, she answered tempered evil:   

-        " I don't know... but what could a more important position be, was it able to,

         isn't is? 

                   And the colonel's nominations continued and in the end, he was proud of having placed sixteen people of  his family in important positions and when he was criticized, he justified, that the people of the family worked with more love and affection and besides, it was a measure of safety for the administrative work. He still attend to a  request of her daughter Aurineide, that remembered Belmiro, a cousin's of Mimosa Lady godson, the Mimosa' woman manicurist, after all, godson is as relative and the poor fellow was unemployed and he had woman and two children for sustaining.  The colonel thought, he thought and he spoke:  - Is it "... do I feel a way, am I going " ponhá " ( put)   him in the position of

       Administrator of the Cemetery,  is  it  good ?                         

                   Demóstenes, the pharmacist, that was present he didn't tolerate:    

- " But Colonel, that is pure Nepotism ". AND he left irritated.  

                  The Colonel fanning the head, calmly, he was turned for Ataliba and he


- My son, Ataliba,  tell me: that Nepotism... is medicine for stomach? " 

  And  Ataliba  giving  of   shoulders:   -"I don't know... but it can be some "  

  generic medicine"! ...       

        So my people, the Brazilian politics it is an immeasurable and burlesque absurd and we know that that absurdity doesn't just happen in the interior, but also in the great cities, finally... that is Brazil!. 


(Story published in IV Anthology International " Words in the Third Millennium of Publishing Phoenix of São Paulo - 2004 - Fls. 137, 138 and 139



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